Tag: ajatus karkasi
  • Maailman nätein teinipoika ja sen äiti

    January 15th, 2018

    Julkaistu aikaisemmin Haista!-lehdessä. Idean takana oli muistaakseni joku keskustelu IRC-galleriasta (!), joka sitten vähän lähti lapasesta.

  • Sujuvasti uusiin työkavereihin tutustumassa / meeting new workmates runs smoothly

    June 3rd, 2012

    Morning shift

    Ehh… WHAT exactly did I just see?

  • July 30th, 2011

  • Kiitos alitajunnalle – thanks for subconscious

    May 2nd, 2011

    Tämän piirtelin aika myöhään yöllä ajattelematta yhtään – kuvien ei alunperin pitänyt liittyä toisiinsa 😀 Rupesin vasta aamulla katsomaan mitä tuli piirreltyä.

    This was doodled late at night without thinking at all – the pics weren’t really connected at first. Only in the morning I gave another look to what I had drawn 😀

  • Pumpattavat hobitit / inflatable hobbits

    April 20th, 2011


    Translation included:

    “And then my friend told about his friend, who filmed a documentary of a company, that rents out inflatable celebrity-look-a-like sex toys!” “Rents out?” “Because they are expensive to buy, I was told.” / “Now I wonder if they rent such out for women as well? For example Legolas-look-a-likes?” “Or maybe hobbits?” “Legolas turns over two women, but you’ll need more than one hobbit to turn over one woman!” (=in a fine card game) / Oh, and then somebody would have to play with them so that she’ll toss herself on the ground and hobbits in the air, and pretends them to turn her over. I bet it doesn’t quite feel the same as the real thing. “Oh hobbits, turn me over!” “I am a Golden Dildo, and I disapprove!”

    (Well, the card game and  some words chosen might need further explanation – in one card game players could “turn over”, a.k.a remove from the game some character cards by playing certain other character cards – Legolas removed from game two ladies of the opponent player, but in finnish it can be said in a way that could be understood not removing but having sex – that was of course endless source of amusement for any player. I know “turn over” isn’t exactly fitting english translation, but couldn’t come up with anything better either and still keep the card game roots visible. )

  • Lisää vanhoja, tällä kertaa osittain yleisön pyynnöstä

    April 4th, 2011

    Lupaan, että joskus vielä teen jotain uuttakin, mutta näillä mennään taas.

    Ahkera tietokone ja teknoristeily vuodelta 2007. Piirretty noin puolessa tunnissa ympäröivien tapahtumien innoittamana. Virallisesti ennen julkaisematon, roikkunut töissä kaapin ovessa jonkun aikaa.

    erityiskiitos Heidille, joka kirjoitti puhekupliin “saanko tulla petaamaan” arabiaksi. Vai olikohan se sittenkin retorisen kysymyksen sijaan ilmoitusluontoinen “tulen petaamaan” ?

  • Ehtiihän tämä vielä Ystävänpäiväksi?

    February 14th, 2011

    Arkistojen aarteita jostain 10 vuoden takaa, taas. Julkaistu aikaisemmin Haista!-lehdessä.

    Exploiting old archives again. From 2001, previously released in Haista-zine.

    Too tired to translate, as there’s some puns and traditional verses included, so long story short: Masochist celebrates Valentine’s Day by sending him/herself a lot of cards “from” very unpleasant and even disgusting people.

  • December 26th, 2010

    No translation – these are popular finnish songs mostly misremembered, misinterpreted. Maybe also misheard.