Category: synkkis
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  • Tästä lähtee synkkis.

    January 29th, 2018

    Joudutte ehkä  odottelemaan pari viikkoa ennen kuin homma lähtee kunnolla käyntiin/lapasesta, mutta tästä se ihan oikeasti alkaa.

    Julkaistu aiemmin Haista! #3:ssa ja Synkkääkin synkempi-kokoelmassa.

  • Arkistojen mummoja

    March 21st, 2011

    Julkaistu aikaisemmin Synkkis-kokoelman uutena materiaalina 2006. Kyseessä ei kuitenkaan ollut ensimmäinen Synkkis/Mummot-crossover, vaan jossain muussakin synkistelyssä kovasti Salmen näköinen kuriton mummo käy nipistelemässä synkkiksen kavereita persuuksista. Tässä Mummot ovat kuitenkin toisessa pääosassa.

    Previously released in collection of comics focused on Synkkis-character – as new material in 2006. Other comics in that collection were mostly released in Haista!-zine earlier. However, this was not the first crossover of Synkkis & Old Ladies – in some other Synkkis-story there’s a Salme-look-a-like old lady, who goes pinching young men’s butts. (The thicker old lady is called Salme, the thinner one Aini. Plus apparently Salme’s daughter is called Tuula-Leena.)


    Little Black Ridinghood featuring Old Ladies / “Take some food to your granny as she’s been feeling weak lately.” / Little Black Ridinghood lived next to a big forest. Her grandmother lived in the middle of the forest. / In no time Black Ridinghood came to granny’s cottage, even though she picked flowers on her way. Knock Knock. “Come in!” / “Now the end is near.” “Glad that you came – your grandmother  is very ill.” /”Oh. I would have some food with me, if granny feels like eating. Even cake.” “Let me see.” / “Wow great! Cake! Pralines! Jam!”/ “Check this out Aini, Tuula-Leena has sent us even some boozey!”/ “Now let’s have a good dose, it does so good to heart!” “Ehh.” “And let’s watch videos of Machine Men and Omnium Gatherum!” / “It’s nice granny is already feeling better, but somehow she and her friends always manage make me feel embarrassed.” Knock knock/ “Who’s now coming in? Would they have sent me pretty longhaired nurse-boy?” “Well I think I’m going out when he’s coming in.” / “Good afternoon. I’m forest ranger and came to warn you about wolves seen near here.” “Hello.”/ “But hey, he is not longhaired nurse!” “But look now, he’s pretty young man anyway!” “What are you doing? No! HEEEELP!” / “I think granny’s going to be allright, as she was already feeling so much better.” “Hi!” / “What’s up wolf?” “At the end of my nerves!” / “Dorky forestranger! How he imagines I’d go anywhere near granny’s house after they put me in a cage and fed me sweet things as they thought I was so cute!”