Arkistojen mummoja
March 21st, 2011
Julkaistu aikaisemmin Synkkis-kokoelman uutena materiaalina 2006. Kyseessä ei kuitenkaan ollut ensimmäinen Synkkis/Mummot-crossover, vaan jossain muussakin synkistelyssä kovasti Salmen näköinen kuriton mummo käy nipistelemässä synkkiksen kavereita persuuksista. Tässä Mummot ovat kuitenkin toisessa pääosassa.
Previously released in collection of comics focused on Synkkis-character – as new material in 2006. Other comics in that collection were mostly released in Haista!-zine earlier. However, this was not the first crossover of Synkkis & Old Ladies – in some other Synkkis-story there’s a Salme-look-a-like old lady, who goes pinching young men’s butts. (The thicker old lady is called Salme, the thinner one Aini. Plus apparently Salme’s daughter is called Tuula-Leena.)
Little Black Ridinghood featuring Old Ladies / “Take some food to your granny as she’s been feeling weak lately.” / Little Black Ridinghood lived next to a big forest. Her grandmother lived in the middle of the forest. / In no time Black Ridinghood came to granny’s cottage, even though she picked flowers on her way. Knock Knock. “Come in!” / “Now the end is near.” “Glad that you came – your grandmother is very ill.” /”Oh. I would have some food with me, if granny feels like eating. Even cake.” “Let me see.” / “Wow great! Cake! Pralines! Jam!”/ “Check this out Aini, Tuula-Leena has sent us even some boozey!”/ “Now let’s have a good dose, it does so good to heart!” “Ehh.” “And let’s watch videos of Machine Men and Omnium Gatherum!” / “It’s nice granny is already feeling better, but somehow she and her friends always manage make me feel embarrassed.” Knock knock/ “Who’s now coming in? Would they have sent me pretty longhaired nurse-boy?” “Well I think I’m going out when he’s coming in.” / “Good afternoon. I’m forest ranger and came to warn you about wolves seen near here.” “Hello.”/ “But hey, he is not longhaired nurse!” “But look now, he’s pretty young man anyway!” “What are you doing? No! HEEEELP!” / “I think granny’s going to be allright, as she was already feeling so much better.” “Hi!” / “What’s up wolf?” “At the end of my nerves!” / “Dorky forestranger! How he imagines I’d go anywhere near granny’s house after they put me in a cage and fed me sweet things as they thought I was so cute!”
2 Responses to “Arkistojen mummoja”
Susku <3
Omnium Gatherum on muuten tässä jossain välissä keikalla Turussa. Kuinka ollakaan että keikkajulisteesta tuli mummot mieleen.
Tilin saldo sanoi, että viimeisin Omnium Gatherumin keikka piti jättää väliin. Aika hiljan ne tuli kuitenkin todistettua uudellakin laulajalla. Omnium Gatherum päätyi mainintana tähän sarjikseen siksi, että aiemmassa sarjakuvassa seikkaillut Mummojen Objekti oli joidenkin mukaan kovasti Omnium Gatherumin entisen laulajan näköinen 😀