Lisää arkistojen aarteita/more archive treasures
March 19th, 2011
Julkaistu aikaisemmin Haista!-lehdessä. Päiväyksen perusteella tämä on vanhin Mummot-sarjakuva, joskin olen jokseenkin varma, että sisällöllisesti tämä on uudempi kuin myöhemmin päivätty pätkä Mummoista hekumoimassa hehkeästä pitkälettipojasta (jonka postaan seuraavaksi). Ehkä sen loppuun piirtäminen vain kesti kauemmin 😀
Previously released in Haista!-zine, piece from 2003. There’s some fiddling with the dates though, I think idea in this one is actually newer than in next piece that’s according to date finished in 2004… However, loose-ish translation follows, panels divided with / and speech bubbles with ” ” again…
Old ladies
/ “Oh, Salme, come quick. My heart isn’t feeling very well with all this…”/ “I came as quick as I could get, and brought a bag of candy with me…”/ “Shh. Put them on that table and come to see – that lad in neighbor is being immoral again and has not even put curtains on his window.” / “He went to shower not-so-long-time ago and… oh, there he’s coming back.” “Meh, of course he’s wearing towel around him.” / “YES!” “Now he’s taking it off! Now he’s taking it off!”